February 15, 2021
Salem Trust will close it's Hollywood, Florida, office beginning in March of this year. Our employees and customer service will not be impacted. Please read the press release.
August 2, 2020
Salem Trust Company completed a system transition on March 1, 2020.Recurring monthly pension payments received in April will show year-to-date information beginning on that date. Toward the end of the year, the previous provider will send you a 1099-R for taxes withheld in January, February and March. Please see the full announcement for more details.
April 30, 2020
A wonderful compliment from a client’s Chairman of the Board: “Mindy Johnson is our hero. Her diligence and attention to detail uncovered excessive trading activity in our accounts of which we were unaware. She is serious about her fiduciary responsibility to our plan and takes many extra steps to keep our assets safe."
March 3, 2020
The health and safety of our clients, partners and employees is paramount to Salem Trust Company, which is a division of TMI Trust Company. We will continue monitoring official updates on the COVID-19 pandemic. Please click here for the details.
April 4, 2019
TMI Trust Company is pleased to announce its acquisition of Salem Trust Company. Please click here for the details.
January 30, 2019
Salem Trust announces the relocation of its Deerfield Beach office to Hollywood, FL. Please see our Publications tab for the press release.
January 29, 2019
Severe Weather Alert: The extreme cold and wintry conditions in much of the northern U.S. have caused office closures and other business interruptions, but we anticipate that Salem Trust Company’s securities transactions, and its other services, will be processed as scheduled. We will update you if there is a change. The employees of Salem Trust wish the best for the businesses and families who are enduring these extreme conditions.
January 25, 2019
Salem Trust Company is pleased to announce that 1099s have been mailed. This is another year when this important tax information was mailed before the deadline.
January 2, 2019
From a public pension plan retiree: " I just had to call and tell you how happy I am to hear that we are moving back over to Salem! I have NOT been happy since {a competitor} took over."
December 31, 2018
From a public pension plan retiree: "WOW, I got a real, live person on my first call!!! What a nice surprise! Thank you, Ms. Ashley [Pelletier]. YOU ROCK!!!!!"
December 4, 2018
From a third-party administrator: “Thanks for all your help, patience and willingness to make certain paperwork is ‘perfect’ and an acceptable audit trail. Teamwork can be so rewarding!"
November 29, 2018
From a public pension plan retiree: "I'm so happy that the pension plan is moving back over to Salem Trust, you guys were always so easy to work with and so helpful.”
November 6, 2018
From a plan's investment consultant, RE: transition of investment managers: "Karen [Russo], thank you for the active handling of this challenging transition!"
October 23, 2018
From a plan administrator: "...We have had a couple of situations recently..The assistance on both occasions from Wanda [Gordon] and Karen [Russo] have been stellar...I recently had a similar situation arise with a different custodian and the process was NOT handled in a smooth and effective way..."
September 19, 2018
From a third-party administrator: “Thank you for the quick turnaround!” (This benefits administrator accidentally locked herself out of the benefit payment system, so Karen Russo immediately sent payment extracts so the project could be completed).
September 12, 2018
From the chairman of the board of a public pension plan: "The presentation you [Karen Russo] made at the board meeting was excellent!"
August 28, 2018
From a retirement plan's actuary: “I only wish every custodian was as proactive and helpful as you are!” (In response to Debbie Kocsis providing to the actuary advance notice of how to find an additional account and new statement type for one of Salem Trust’s pension plan clients.)
August 16, 2018
From a plan administrator to the plan's board of trustees: "I just have to tell you all, Salem Trust is awesome. I love working with them. Ashley Pelletier is the best. She bends over backwards to help me with whatever I need. I could not be more satisfied with their service."
August 14, 2018
The 2018 2nd quarter Service Report is now available.
August 9, 2018
From a plan administrator: "I just had a meeting with Karen Russo this morning. I told her how wonderful you (Mallory Parsons) are, how helpful you have been, and that your out-of-the-box thinking helps correct issues."
August 8, 2018
Congratulations to Lynn Skinner, who celebrates her 35th year with Salem Trust and its precedent organization.
July 19, 2018
From a third-party administrator at the FPPTA annual conference: “Ashley Pelletier provides excellent assistance. Her responsiveness really helps me and our clients. She is a joy to work with.”
March 25, 2018
From the recorded session of a government retirement plan’s auditor: “Salem Trust’s service is impeccable and first-rate. We received a 1-hour response [to a question], the best we’ve ever received.” The plan’s administrator, a city employee who also interacts with another custodian, stated “Salem Trust is the best."
Being the only company focused exclusively on asset safekeeping is
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Focusing on two types of clients creates
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Service Providers, Investment Managers, Stakeholders deserve
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Our success as an institutional custodian is determined by you. Our pledge is to deliver custody services that create relationships that last for decades.
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Investment positions custodied, including manually-priced sundry assets
of the 2017 S&P 500 are named in securities class action lawsuits. Salem Trust offers a hassle-free solution
Of our 75,000 annual pension benefit payments are issued on the first payment date of the month; neither snowstorm nor hurricane prevents us from reaching a retiree