Note: As of April 29, 2020, an error some users experienced when first logging in to Weblink is resolved. Please do contact your client service team if you have a problem, or a question. Thanks for your patience!
Beginning March 2, 2020, the URL for our Weblink Client Portal has changed. If you have the old URL bookmarked, please update it.
If the above link didn't work for you, this is the new URL which you can cut and paste into your browser:
You should have received an Email regarding your personal login which directed you to this new portal and which supplied you with a temporary password. Please follow the login procedures and create a new password for your access.
The old portal will remain active for a short time, although it will not contain new information. Please contact your relationship team if you have any questions.
Salem Trust sets up each client or service partner individually with the degree of secure access appropriate for each person. Client service providers, investment managers and stakeholders may use the portal to: